Real-time synthesis of wind instruments:
A tool to understand the link Gesture/Timbre?


Philippe Guillemain


A digital wind instrument
based on a physical model


The essential role of the association
gesture capture device & synthesis algorithm

Real/virtual instrument

Any digital instrument is real

Acoustic instrument: Gesture capture device and sound production in a whole

Digital instrument: Gesture capture device and sound synthesis split into separated elements

A digital instrument becomes « virtual » when it reproduces an acoustic on

Naturalness of the link brain/gesture

Naturalness of the link gesture/timbre.

Synthesis models based on physical models

Minimal mapping: the controls are physical variables

The controler must provide enough physical variables.


What seems possible, what is missing?


« Micro-level »: Model of instruments:

Sound message: sense of sound? Instrument classification

link shape / timbre

Why some instruments disapear, why some instruments remain? (link with languages?)

Ease of playing?, tuning?

« Macro-level » Link Brain      Sound:

Musical message: meaning of sound? Performance classification

link intention / timbre

Sound emission chain

Ring:   Brain - Muscles - Controls - Sound - Ear - Brain?
Easy measure of some controls


Acoustic role of the player

Would require to couple articulatory speech synthesis models and musical instruments models

Controlability issues